I found this great article on pygtk.org on how to create simple GUI applications with glade to be used with python and pygtk. This article is very straight forward on how to make a simple HelloWorld GUI application with two widgets. If your used to developing Visual Studio .NET GUI's or are looking to develop GUI for multi-platform then you need to check this out. This is a good start. Before I read this I tried to use glade, but everything is so different than VS.Net that I didn't get anywhere. Now that I read this all makes sense. Also If you are creating applications with wx, you can use wxGlade to make GUI for you and use the same way. Python Rocks. Enjoy.
On Ubuntu, you can install all things glade like this:
apt-get install `apt-cache search glade|awk '{ if ($1 != "glade-gnome-2" && $1 != "glade-2" && $1 != "glade") print $1 }'|xargs`
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