Sunday, December 7, 2008

How To Convert PDF Document To Images and Vice Versa

To Convert PDF to JPG:
convert some.pdf some.jpg
# this will create some.jpg.PAGE# for each page in the PDF

Alternately if you want custom naming scheme:
convert some.pdf some%03d.png
# this will create somePAGE#.png

To create PDF out of multiple image in a directory:
cd img_dir && convert *jpg some.pdf
#places each image on it's own PAGE

If you need more info than this don't stop Googling.

How to By-Pass Stats/Tracking Systems

There are a number of ways that one can bypass statistics and user tracking systems that are in use on alot of websites these days. Most systems that employ user tracking either do it via the url/uri string,1x1 pixel images,web server logs, etc...

1. Use lynx/links/links2 for browsing web pages. (This won't load any images and browsing experience is not the same, but you can still see text, which is the most important part anyway)

2. Disable JS(NoScript/FlashBlock) and showing of images in browser. If you use Firefox Web Browser you can find Extensions that will block those pesky 1x1 tracker images for you. AdBlock

3. Pay Attention on what you click and instead off clicking on a link. copy/paste it with minor modifications(removal of a unique id off some sort or something)

4. Modify your User Agent string in your browsers configuration.

5. Use a proxy. There are plenty of proxy lists out there for you to use. Be sure to check the RBL for the proxy you use or you may have problems with accessing some sites/services since they may check proxies ip in RBL. Yes, spammers use proxies to send spam, but so do people that don't send spam and want a little anonymity.

6. Disable cookies. NOTE: Not all sites will work without cookies. You may want to disable cookies on a per site/domain bases. eg. regex.

7. Delete cookies when changing IP or moving to different proxy, etc...

Make sure to protect yourself with Firefox Addons (Noscript, LocalRodeo, RequestPolicy)

Of course this is not full proof and really depends on the tracking system at hand. If you would like to comment I would appreciate any more ways/ techniques to bypass tracking and stats systems.