Friday, September 26, 2008

OpenBSD Snort: Cannot check flow connection for non-TCP traffic

I wasted a couple hours trying to figure out why snort would NOT start. It seems I was using CURRENT and not the actual current version number. Look in /var/log/daemon file to see what is happening. If you see anything like this:

Cannot check flow connection for non-TCP traffic

It means your snort rules or snort.conf file is NOT of the same version of snort you installed. Check which snort version you have like this:

snort -v

make sure that is you have oinkmaster installed make sure that your url is reflecting the correct rules file to download and oinkcode. You must first register with to receive an oinkcode.

Then just do this to update your rules, notice the dot:

cd /etc/snort/rules && oinkmaster -o .

or place into a cron for auto update of snort rules. Hope this saves someone a couple hours. -A

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